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Nov 1, 2022 | Read time 3 min

Introducing Real-Time SaaS: Balancing Accuracy with Speed

Join Product Manager, Owen O’Loan as he takes a deep dive into Speechmatics all-new Real-Time SaaS offering, where accuracy comes hand-in-hand with speed.

Owen O'Loan

Product Manager

After years of offering best-in-class on-premises Real-Time transcription, we’re exceptionally proud to introduce our Real-Time SaaS offering. This low-risk, high-reward approach to speech-to-text offers a perfect balance of fast results and highly accurate output, deployed within a public cloud environment. This release will open up our technology to every size of business, giving more users access to the most accurate and fast speech-to-text currently available.

Read on to discover how our Real-Time SaaS lets you consume our best-in-class speech-to-text wherever you need it.

Speed Vs Accuracy

At Speechmatics, we’ve always excelled in two areas: speed and accuracy. Our on-premises Real-Time offering has consistently outperformed Google and Microsoft for years. Historically, however, this technology has needed infrastructure to be built and maintained to achieve these high results. Our Real-Time SaaS allows for simpler, faster-paced adoption for organizations of all sizes, from SME businesses, to our Enterprise level customers.

With latency as low as a second, you can see the words you speak as you say them, safe in the knowledge that accuracy isn’t forfeited for a moment’s pace.

Accessible and Instant Rewards

For transcription provided in real-time, our new offering gives you the opportunity to gather actionable data instantly. With a flexible, easy-to-use API, we provide the most accurate AI-powered speech-to-text available. Fully managed and operated by Speechmatics, our Real-Time SaaS offers accelerated go-to-market, while reducing operational complexities and costs.

With accessibility at the forefront of this release, we're offering a unique sliding scale for balancing speed with accuracy, making our real-time offering highly adaptable and unlike any other offering in the industry.

The Speechmatics Way

Trained using self-supervised learning, our global language packs support a wealth of different accents and dialects to ensure we live up to our mission to understand every voice. Our on-premises speech-to-text has been used by many of the major players across a host of different industries, from Contact Centers to E-Learning, from Media Captioning to Meeting Platforms.

With our Real-Time SaaS, we’re now able to offer the same use cases the same highly accurate, low latency speech-to-text wherever they need it.

A Truly Global Solution

Our offering of 48 languages now supports over half of the world’s population, enabling more people to access the best speech-to-text. For our mission to be successful, it’s vital we capture languages that aren’t as well recognized, which is why we’ve just added languages such as Welsh and Vietnamese alongside the likes of English, French and Chinese. With many more languages in the pipeline, we’re aiming for 70% coverage of the world’s population in the next three years.

Secure and Easy to Use

Thanks to our flexible and easy-to-use API, you’ll be set up in no time at all. Because our Real-Time SaaS doesn’t store any audio or transcripts, you can also feel safe in the knowledge that your data is secure, whatever you're using it for. You can get direct integration through our self-service portal today and see for yourself the benefits available to your organization.

With this release we want everyone – no matter the size of their organization – to take full advantage of our best-in-class Real-Time Speech-to-Text, wherever they need it.

Owen O’Loan, Product Manager, Speechmatics

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